My Promise:
Though I don’t know you yet, I see you already. I see the beauty, strength, passion, and flawlessness of you. I know that in all women. I can’t wait to help you see it too!
~Bellonda Bixby
Client Experiences
Testimony: Sam Jenkins – Creative Mortgage Broker (she can get you financed!) Torrance CA
“My biggest surprise was after years of believing that my color season was summer, I found out that I was indeed a Spring!
The neutral colors in my customized palette resonated with me completely. It all made perfect sense.
My life is now different in the fact that I’m now ready to get in front of the curtain, rather than hide behind it. I am now receiving a lot of positive feedback from everyone.
It feels complete to be dressing in harmony with who I am on the inside.
Bellonda is a very talented class act and is amazing at what she does!
The old stories that I have let go of are hiding behind and trying to fade/blend into the constant black, white and grey.
I am now ready to bring on the color. Look out world, here I come!”
-Sam Jenkins

Jacquelyn is just more pure. That means her nurturing nature is particularly strong as well as her ability to hold a myriad of details before deciding how she wants to proceed in life or on a project.
Testimony: Jacquelyn Baldwin – Real Love Coach, Reno NV
“When I first heard about Fashion Alchemy, I thought it was about fashion, expensive clothing, and trends.
It’s not! It’s about looking and feeling beautiful from the inside out. I notice I’m feeling better about myself, as a person and improving my self talk around body image.
People are noticing the difference too!
Rarely does a day goes by when someone doesn’t walk up to me complimenting my colors or they simply want to talk with me because they want what I have… being beautiful.
Do yourself a favor. Allow Bellonda to see the beautiful soul you are and support you to show the authentic you to the world!”
-Jacquelyn Baldwin
Testimony: Barbara Shoemaker- Medical Equipment Specialist Redondo Beach CA
“My first meeting with Bellonda was a magical experience. She has a way of seeing who you are with so much love and allowing. I felt embraced and honored and defined in a way I had never experienced.
She not only showed and proved to me what colors and shapes were the best match for me, but also explained why certain things I had in my closet but had never worn (for a reason I couldn’t explain) were not a good match for me. I spent the evening after she left purging my close of over 100 pieces of clothing I had been hanging onto but never wore. It felt amazing and I felt lighter.
The education I received while shopping with her, I will use for the rest of my life. I’m no longer overwhelmed by large racks of clothing or too easily enticed by something because it’s cute on someone else. I know and understand what works with who I am. That’s the best feeling of all!”
-Barbara Shoemaker
Testimony: Liz Bolotin 82 years young. Extraordinary soul. Seeker of knowledge. Purveyor of life possibilities.
When asked what she thought about her Fashion Alchemy transformation process, in true Liz form she she didn’t answer the question, but told me what she believed important.
To my surprise, she answered what she thought about me.
“A remarkable woman, with illuminating ideas!”
Well Liz, I’m honored and it takes one to know one! I hope I’m enjoying life with as much thirst and vitality as you, when I reach your maturity.
Only at 80 years old, did Liz finally let go of her season skiing pass at Mammoth Mountain. Liz dances at least 20 hours per week, dates well below her age, and every time I see her has a new insightful and rich book or class to recommend that improves the human spirit.
Liz, It’s been my honor to show you how to look as vital as you are! Happy dating! 2024 Update… Liz continues to date well below her age.
Testimony: Diane Dahi- Founder Owner Dahi Wellness- Long Beach CA.
“I’m so grateful! I would struggle not knowing what to wear and spend a lot of money on different outfits, and they still would not go together. I could never get it quite right, feeling out of place with the outfits I did put together.
Now I am excited! I feel confident because I understand what colors work for me, know my style that best reflects who I am, and how I want to show up in the world.
As a business owner, I want to interact with clients in a way that has positive uplifting communication, and gift them with a good first impression.
Wearing clothes that reflect who I am really helps people connect with me. I definitely feel that I am more understood because the impression that my attire gives others.
I really enjoy those moments when I’m at a business event and receive eye contact from others, I noticed that I have a boost of confidence and energy which leads to better relationships and a feeling of empowerment.
I am so grateful for Bellonda and her amazing talent for seeing a person inside, selecting their unique colors, textures and emotion for each women she works with.
Brilliant in the way she pulls it altogether for each person, allowing women to show up as their Best self.
If you are ready to show up, I highly recommend investing your time and resources to work with Bellonda. I know you will thoroughly enjoy her presence and beautiful energy. The rewards will be so much more than you could imagine.”
-Diane Dahi
The Congruency of Home and Style
Fashion Alchemy extends well beyond your dress. Your environment and things you surround yourself add to the ease, quality and harmony of your life. Notice how each unique person is in complete harmony with their clothing, home, art work, jewelry, and event favorite vacation spots! The textures, softness, body, as well as color saturation are congruent to each individual.

Olga is a Winter: Brilliant woman who graduated from FIDM…Fashion Institute for Design and Merchandising and specializes in Coaching Teen Women and brining them together for Mastermind Groups to live their best lives. Winters are typically Black and white thinkers and see the world from a 30,000 foot view. Of course their clothing and home should emulate the way they think!

Soft Autumn: This pallet is incredibly soft. Notice the “pettable” fabrics and style lines. Not typical for an Autumn. This is the beauty of having your colors, textures, sheens, patterns from over 10,000 possibilities. Barbara moves in the world connecting with others deeply all the while taking action to get what she desire complete.

Spring: Lively, Animated, Fun, Fresh. These are some of the words that describe Liz and Spring Style Types. How Liz moves in the world is naturally depicted in her personal coloring, facial geometry, voice box. When Liz dresses in harmony on the outside with her natural personality, others see her accurately before she ever says a word.

Summer: What fun it is to see Jacquelyn in her environmental harmony. Her clothing, accessories, fragrances, makeup, and home decoration are in her harmony. She’s married to an Autumn man so her home is a beautiful reflection of both their harmonies.