• What if I’ve been typed by another system?
    • Other systems can be a great way to start. In fact, sometimes it’s helpful if your eye is already color-trained.  
    • The Fashion Alchemy system is unique. I don’t know of any system that comes close. I take all the rare and special parts (Alchemy) of you, analyze them, and translate who you are into a custom fabric fan for your aid in shopping and showing up in the world congruent with the best of who you came into be.
  • What’s the difference between Fashion Alchemy and another system?
    • Where to start?  Other systems rarely take into consideration the depth of your personality, your soul mission, or your audience.
    • Moreover, your custom color fan is exactly that.  You’re unique.  Incredibly unique.  Your custom color fan should be too.  
    • I’ll choose your unique fan from over 10,000 colors to come up with just the right radiances, textures, metallics, and prints that enhance your unique bone structure, color of your eyes-skin-hair, and personality.
  • Will People really see me?
    • When I first started seriously dabbling around with the feel of color, I knew I felt different.  I had an experience I will never forget. (To be continued…)
  • How will wearing my colors affect my relationships?  Work? Self Confidence?
    • Clients report breakthroughs in areas they feel stuck consistently. One client recently told me…To be continued tomorrow…
  • Will this save me money?
  • It’s too confusing.  I need help.
  • I’v heard that I’ll be more attractive and look younger.
    • It’s amazing how colors reflect what is present in our skin.  
    • I really understood this over 20 years ago in a painting class.  Instructed to paint an entire picture from three basic colors, I felt overwhelmed. Until I looked around.  My classmates were painting art that I was coveting to put on my walls.  As a novice, I had no experience drawing or water-coloring.  When I finished, I was incredibly pleased at what I created and had an epiphany about the human body!
    • We all have the same few colors in our personal color pallet.   The difference is in the ratio of colors in the different parts of our body.  I discovered that we have the same colors in our eyes, hair, melanin skin, and hemoglobin blush.  
    • When we reflect the colors in our body, in the clothing we wear, we reflect true harmony.
    • When we wear colors that do not harmonize with our body or do harmonize with what we might consider imperfections, (for example dark circles under our eyes), we create dis-harmony and therefore do not look as healthy as we are, young as we are, trustworthy as we are, or as credible.