What is Fashion Alchemy?
When who you are on the inside, is in harmony and congruent with the you that appears in the world, that’s “Fashion Alchemy.”
We each come in with our own unique signature of what is possible to accomplish, learn, teach this lifetime. Wonderfully, your internal possibility is already manifested in your physical being and shows in your personal coloring; eyes, hair, skin, bone structure, walk, voice etc.
The power of your unique strength and gifts are magnified greatly when you intentionally wear clothing, jewelry, shoes, scarves, bags to harmonize with your unique body, mind, and spirit.
YOU are the Change in this World!
The Dali Lama said that California women are going to change the world. I believe him. Further, I believe all women can change this world. I hold a powerful vision of this world in its beauty and wholeness. I hold that thought for you too!
Women Changing the World
My vision is for every single woman on this divine planet to appear in the world as the inner beauty you truly are; to express that beauty effortlessly, flawlessly, unabashedly on the outside, for all the world to see.
My goal is for you to understand your own unique beauty and to own that beauty so powerfully it allows you to grow in wisdom, grace, and peace.

Spring Classic SeasonSummer Classic SeasonAutumn Classic SeasonWinter Classic Seasons
What’s Your Style?
As complex beings, we are all a combination of Season styles. However, knowing your primary Season is the beginning of . understanding how to repeat a great “hair-day and outfit”… every day!
That’s just the beginning. I’ll support you to understand how the combination of seasons within you creates your unique and personal style. You’ll show you authentic self and have your personal style forever!
Beauty is Congruent Confidence!
I want you to feel equally beautiful, confident, and capable no matter what role you’re choosing to play at the moment.
Whether you’re a woman who is self-employed in the public eye; working in a cubicle and know you are more your job; getting on a private jet to the next stop of your busy schedule, or a householder devoted to hearth and home, you’re capable of unlocking the mystery of expressing your true inner beauty.
I guarantee you will know yourself better, feel more confident, express more ease, and most amazing of all, so will everyone else!
Not Taught to Express our True Beauty:
One might ask, how will changing my clothing accomplish that? We are not trained to express our authentic beauty. We are trained to purchase clothing en masse.
We are not trained to consider our own personal mission on earth or what deeply, eternally resonates within us. Each of us has passions and desires and yet we are trained to express only what is socially acceptable.
Your Unique Style:
When you see a beautiful woman, dressed impeccably on the screen, a billboard, or on stage, I imagine you have said to yourself, “I wish I could wear that.” That is your passion, rising inside of you, wanting so desperately to be expressed.
I can help you with that. I am not talking about runway cupcake dresses, orange clown-like shoes or ruffles on a stately woman. I am talking about YOU, what resonates with you and who you truly are, inside.
Below personalized fans are chosen from over 10,000 colors to include Patterns, Textures, Metals, and Prints. Each fan is unique… just like you!. On the back of each fan is a key code so you’ll know what color garments and accessories to purchase for specific events.
You’ll Know Which Colors to Use For:
- Formal/Power/Dramatic: Most powerful used in formal occasions, making presentations, gives credibility and is grounding
- Dynamic/Center of Attention:Exciting, Notice Me! Used for birthday, anniversary, or at convention when trying to get noticed.
- Romantic: Powerful and Extremely feminine or masculine
- Healthy: To appear well rested, vital, and healthy.
- Team Player: Colors to fit in, non threatening.
- Casual: Everyday use.Angie A. ~ Effervescent SpringJacquelyn B. ~ Boho SummerBellonda B. ~ Soft AutumnKaren S. ~ Classy Winter
Schedule Your FREE 15 Minute Style For Life Consultation Today!
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The Power of YOU!
When you express your “Internal Essence” as your “External Presence”, you radiate to the world who you are visibly. Your appearance represents your uniqueness and the best of who you came into this world to be.
The work I do in supporting you is powerful. I see women change. I see a new-found confidence. Every woman I work with tells stories of how the world opens up to her.
One woman spoke of her phone ringing off the hook in a new business because her stagnant energy had cleared. Another of how her seemingly detached husband looked into her eyes and said tenderly, “You look beautiful…I mean really beautiful.”
Recently, a client spoke to me of a very difficult long-term but profitable client’s business proceeding with ease and grace. Most commonly, my clients find that those close and even strangers being magnetically drawn toward them. They are queried with questions like, “Have you lost weight?” -“Are you using a new face product?”-“You look healthier!”
Before my eyes, I’ve seen clients, posture change, the timber and quality of voice become clear, and a new found walk with confidence. The simplicity of matching your inside with your outside is powerful beyond imagination. And profoundly, it’s you showing up in harmony with yourself.
“Fashion is what you’re offered four times a year by designers. And style is what you choose.”~Lauren Hutton
My Promise:
Though I don’t know you yet, I see you already.
I see the beauty, strength, passion and flawlessness of you.
I know that in all women.
I can’t wait to help you see it too!
~Bellonda Bixby